Did you ever think about the way that your outer world affects your inner world? Your living environment may directly affect how you think and feel. Practices such as feng shui, minimalism and decluttering can make us more aware of how to make our living space feel better. This has become especially important due to the stress of the last year and spending more time at home. 

Color can change our mood in an instant by affecting our nervous system and activating different emotions. Colors like pink and blue are more calming to the brain, while red and orange are more awakening. Why is this? According to psychologist Ayben Ertem, when color is transmitted to the brain through the eyes, hormones are released that affect emotions and energy levels. Color can change heart rate and increase emotional awareness. 

If there is a room in your home or office where you need to feel more awakened and stimulated, red may be your color. Orange is also a color that can commonly make people feel more invigorated. If you would like to feel more relaxed in your home, soft pinks and blues may be a good choice since they bring a sense of tranquility and calmness. Color is thought to affect everyone differently, though, due to personal preference and experience. 

Feng shui is the practice of arranging personal belongings and furniture in a specific way to restore harmony and balance in a living space. It helps to create balance between the material and the natural world. The five elements, earth, fire, water, wood and metal, are incorporated into each room. The theory goes that if you balance the elements in your home, it will directly reflect in your life by the power of intention. In feng shui, the bedroom is the most important room in the house because of sleep and romantic relationship. We tend to spend most of our time in this room. This can be a good place to start when making a shift. Make sure your bed is against a wall and not facing the door or directly in line with the door. Mirrors should be pointing away from the bed. It is also important to keep electronics out of the bedroom, especially televisions and computers. The bedroom is not a place to have devices that may overstimulate. Also make sure to declutter under your bed—energetically it is not a good space to store belongings. 

Minimalism has been a new popular way of living where you only live with what you truly need. Taking things out of your life that may be a distraction may help you fulfill your life’s purpose. I jokingly thought that if you have closets full of stuff that are cluttered then what emotional baggage are you “hiding” or not wanting to clear out? Our external environment is a direct reflection of our internal environment. Do the things in your home bring you joy? If they don’t, it might be time to purge, clean and de-clutter. Who knows what amazing avenues may open up to you when you are mindful of the space you live in!


How Does Your Home Affect Your Health?

Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine. It’s been around for thousands of years and has been given more and more recognition from mainstream medicine over the last two decades or so. 

Acupuncture opens meridians, or energetic pathways related to organs and glands, in the body. When an acupuncturist inserts needles into the skin, the needles help to rebalance “qi” or life force energy. Placing needles in a meridian helps to open the channel and maintain normal energetic flow. This is helpful if the meridians are stagnant or blocked since blocked channels can result in disease or distress to the system. 

There are 14 different meridian channels and 360 acupuncture points in the human body, and each relates to different organ and gland functions including the lungs, heart, spleen, kidney, liver, small intestine, large intestine and stomach. 

When an acupuncturist first assesses a patient, they conduct a thorough health history while checking pulse points and the tongue. Pulse points allow the practitioner to diagnosis where the qi or energy may be disrupted, thus leading to a more specific treatment. During a tongue diagnosis, the acupuncturist is looking at the color, shape and coating of the tongue to more accurately discern what may be going on in the body. 

“As an acupuncturist, I treat the body, mind, and spirit,” says Kallie Harrison, L.Ac, LMT, RN at Big Sky Natural Health, adding that acupuncture helps treat pain and stress associated with the pain, allowing the patient to become more aware of the mind-body connection. “I believe it’s about meeting each individual where they are at in their health journey and reminding the body of its innate ability to heal itself.”

 According to John Hopkins Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, acupuncture also helps with infertility, addiction, headaches, lower back pain, arthritis, nausea, depression, anxiety, and digestive issues, among many other afflictions. 

Additional research from the National Institute of Health finds that acupuncture can help in treating chemotherapy nausea and vomiting, and in postoperative dental pain as well as fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, addiction and even stroke rehabilitation. 

Physiologically, acupuncture causes the release of endorphins, or “feel-good” chemicals, along with peptides in the central and peripheral nervous system. These chemical releases result in changes of neuroendocrine function and are an extremely powerful response. Other forms of stimulation to the meridians of the body without the use of needles include: moxibustion, cupping, acupressure and gua sha. Moxibustion is heat therapy used to stimulate the flow of energy in the body. Cupping is a suction method where cups are placed on the body to help relieve pain and create more blood flow. Acupressure uses physical pressure and finger placement to stimulate meridians and channels. Lastly, gua sha is a tool that is used to scrape the skin in order to relieve pain and tension. Acupuncture is a great modality to try if you are looking for a more holistic approach within your healing journey.


The Benefits of Acupuncture

If you suffer from chronic headaches or migraines it can be debilitating, and there are a number of potential causes that make them difficult to treat. 

Tension headaches are caused from muscles in the neck being chronically tight, which can be caused by poor posture, stress, and history of injuries such as whiplash. Migraines, however, are multifaceted and can be triggered by everything from food allergies or sensitivities to stress, muscle tension or hormonal imbalances. 

Here are some simple, natural therapies to prevent and treat headaches and migraines: 

1. Essential oil therapy can alleviate migraines and headaches. Peppermint and eucalyptus oil help to open the sinuses and nasal passages, while lavender and chamomile oil help to relax muscles, and ease anxiety. When mixed with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, these therapies can be applied to the neck or temple area. 

2. Dehydration can cause headaches so drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. 

3. Get adequate rest. Insomnia can result in chronic headaches, so sleeping at least 7-8 hours per night will help prevent stress that can contribute to headaches. 

4. Avoid processed food and preservatives. Food dyes such as red #40, yellow #5 and #6, are neurotoxins that can irritate the nervous system. Avoid flavor enhancers such as MSG, monosodium glutamate and nitrates found in processed meats such as bacon and hot dogs as well as sulfites found in wine. Hydrogenated oils like fried foods and vegetable oils may also trigger symptoms. 

5. Exercise and stretching may help release muscle groups that are chronically tight, and posture-correcting exercises can help align the spine.

6. Body work such as massage, craniosacral therapy and acupuncture can assist in alleviating and preventing symptoms related to headaches. Acupuncture helps open meridians or channels that may be blocked, along with relaxing the musculoskeletal system. Craniosacral therapy and massage help relax the nervous system, musculoskeletal system and reduce stress. 7. Chiropractic care is quite effective at managing pain. Research provided in the Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapy states that chiropractic care improves migraine and cervicogenic headaches. Adjustments can realign the spine and relax the musculoskeletal system. 8. Hot and cold therapy can draw excess heat out of the head. Applying a cold compress on the forehead and warm compress on the feet can help improve symptoms. 9. Magnesium glycinate can relieve headache and migraine symptoms; taking 350 milligrams before bed may be most effective. It’s difficult to get enough magnesium in the diet, so supplementing is a great option. 10. Stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, breath work, boundary work and taking vacations when needed will help decrease excess stress and help calm the nervous system. Cognitive behavior therapy is also an option, especially for individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Having untreated PTSD can result in an increased risk of contracting migraines. I hope you find these suggestions helpful. Symptoms left untreated may indicate a more serious health problem so always check with your doctor if you have chronic headaches or migraines.


Headaches and Migraines

When you hear the word cholesterol, do you automatically identify it is a bad thing? Cholesterol’s been given a bad rap throughout the years, resulting in a health concept that is highly misunderstood. In the 70s, eggs were given a bad name because they were thought to cause high cholesterol and heart disease. Coconut oil and coconuts were also thought to cause high cholesterol because of the saturated fat content. Current research now shows that these foods are some of the most nutritious ones that we can eat. 

Cholesterol is vital for all cellular processes. It is important for manufacturing cell membranes, cell lipids and is extremely important in helping our bodies produce vitamin D. Cholesterol gives strength and flexibility to our cells. It also helps our gallbladder produce bile, which helps our bodies digest fats. As we age certain hormones naturally decrease in our body, especially testosterone. As a result our bodies will naturally produce more cholesterol to help balance the lack of hormonal production. 

Cholesterol and fats are extremely important for brain function. All of the nerve cells in our brain, especially the myelin tissue, need cholesterol to help transmit nerve cell signals. Dr. Joseph Mercola D.O., states that nearly 25 percent of the cholesterol in your body is in your brain. He also said that studies show there’s an inverse link between all-cause mortality and total cholesterol levels, meaning that mortality rate is actually higher when your cholesterol is low. Cholesterol is transported through our blood using “lipo-proteins” these lipo-proteins are called “high density lipoproteins” and “low density lipoproteins.” HDL is known as “good” cholesterol while LDL is known as “bad” cholesterol. HDL cholesterol assists in excreting excess cholesterol. So, what cholesterol is good to consume versus bad? 

Poor quality animal products can be highly inflammatory. It’s always best to consume grass fed beef rather than grain fed beef. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, daily consumption of processed meats such as bacon, sausage, salami and hot dogs, increase the risk of heart disease and colon cancer by 42 percent. 

Toxic oils, such as canola, soy and corn oil, can cause an increase in bad cholesterol. For this reason it’s also important to avoid fried foods. Eating too much dairy and milk products can increase bad cholesterol as well. However, more studies are showing that eating fermented dairy products such as kefir or organic, cultured yogurt are beneficial. A diet high in simple and refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, tortillas, pasta, bagels and pastries increase higher, bad cholesterol. Additionally, consuming excess sugar, caffeine and alcohol triggers the liver to overproduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides. 

Healthy high cholesterol foods include eggs, which can actually improve HDL levels. Grass fed beef and dark chocolate are also beneficial. Dark chocolate contains a high level of antioxidants that can help reduce arterial plaque—great news for chocolate lovers—and supplementing with omega 3s, such as borage and algae oil are the gold standard. Lastly, consuming salmon and sardines help to increase healthy cholesterol also. The message here is: Don’t be afraid of fat and cholesterol. Instead be sure to consume the right kind!


Cholesterol: The good, the bad and the ugly

Everything we put into our bodies becomes part of our cells and tissues. Nutrients from our food helps to keep connective tissue and bones strong, hair healthy and skin young and vibrant. 

Your food choices can cause disease and inflammation, change your mood and even your mental well-being. If you have any pre-disposition to diabetes, heart disease, cancer or auto-immune disease it is important to be mindful of what is on your fork. 

There are many different diet choices out there, ranging from paleo to vegan. There is no right way for anyone to eat, since we all have a different genetic make-up. However, there are a few guidelines to be aware of when making healthy food decisions. 

1. Choose organic produce whenever possible. Glyphosate or Roundup, is a pesticide used on most crops. Studies done by researchers at the University of Washington, found that ingesting excess amounts of glyphosate increases the risk of cancer by 41 percent. 

2. Know where your meat sources come from. Grain-fed meat has a high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. A higher omega-6 diet can lead to inflammation, cognitive decline, allergies, heart disease, arthritis and mental disorders. Omega-6 examples include grapeseed, corn, soy, and sunflower oils. Organic, grass-fed meat contains a high amount of omega-3s. To add omega-3s into your diet, eat salmon, sardines, walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseed. 

3. Limit your sugar intake. Daily sugar consumption should not exceed 25 grams or 6 ¼ teaspoons. High amounts of sugar and high fructose corn syrup lead to a fatty liver, diabetes and heart disease. 

4. Drink clean water and lots of it! Heavy metals and carcinogens can be found in unhealthy amounts in drinking water, causing tap water toxicity. Reverse osmosis and filtration water machines are a way to ensure you are drinking clean, healthy water. Drink your body weight in ounces daily. Adding lemon to your water is a great way to sneak in extra electrolytes, plus lemons are an excellent liver cleanser. 

5. Eat small meals during the day. It is good to eat small meals or healthy snacks regularly, especially if you are inclined to have low blood sugar. Mixed nuts and seeds, guacamole, hummus, or apple slices with nut butter are some great options. 

6. Limit caffeine and alcohol intake. Try not to exceed drinking more than 1-2 cups of coffee per day, and do not drink caffeine after noon. Limit alcohol to no more than one drink per day. Be mindful when consuming alcohol, as it too can contain hidden ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup and glyphosate. 

7. Eat several cups of vegetables a day, mainly consisting of greens such as kale, spinach, microgreens and broccoli. Greens are high in vitamin B, A, K, C, and folate.

Always aim to eat live, whole foods. The less processed and packaged foods you eat, the better you will feel on the inside and out.


You Are What You Eat

I have always been a big believer of “our thoughts create things.” I often treat people in my practice who display symptoms where no one can seem to find a clear diagnosis. However, once patients start working on their emotions and eliminating stress, their symptoms clear. Why is this? 

Since COVID began, many people are suffering from a cluttered headspace. Ruminating fear of getting sick, fear of their businesses going under, fear of their loved ones becoming ill, and feeling a lack of control over everyday things. This crippling instability is making our country very sick. 

If you change your thoughts, you can literally change your life. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., a molecular biologist, is one of the first scientists embracing epigenetics and the power of the subconscious mind. He states that “Epigenetics is the study of cellular and physiological traits, or the external and environmental factors, that turn our genes on and off, and in turn, define how our cells actually read those genes. It works to see the true potential of the human mind, and the cells in our body.” 

You can control your environment, which in turn controls your genes. Chiropractic physician and spiritual guru Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “You can re-wire your brain for success. You are not hardwired to be a certain way, or doomed by your genes.” 

To help put this thought process into action, challenge yourself to see the light and positivity in your every-day interactions with others. Cherish and enjoy your day-to-day life. Changing your outlook, perception and experiences with others will literally change your cells and DNA. You will have a happier, more fulfilling life if you can stay positive while working through the daily grind. We are constantly bombarded by social media, the news and public opinion which teaches us to be fearful. How do we transform this if it’s almost impossible to live each day free of anxiety? 

Choose to tell yourself every day that you are healthy, and your immune system has an innate power. Trust your immune system. Feed yourself healthy, nourishing foods. Drink less alcohol and caffeine—these can become unhealthy crutches when we are under large amounts of stress. When used in excess these substances can also deplete the immune system. 

Go outside and exercise, breathe in fresh air! Our brains need to receive a substantial amount of oxygen every day to function optimally. Start your morning with journaling about 10 things that you are grateful for. Honor yourself, set goals and rewards. Don’t go on social media for a few days if you realize that it is a trigger for you. Reach out to friends and loved ones who you can talk to. It’s important to be part of a supportive community. Above all, have faith and trust that you will always be taken care of.

 Our thoughts, self-talk and actions become our reality. Take Bill Murray from the movie Groundhog Day for example. A man wakes up day after day, living a redundant lifestyle, slowly becoming a tortured soul. Make the shift out of Groundhog Day. Try something new, energize your soul and find more fulfillment in life. 


The Power of the Mind

The definition of empathy is to experience and understand another person’s thoughts, feelings and conditions from another point of view, or imagining what it’s like to walk in another person’s shoes. Why is empathy an important quality to have and practice? Being empathetic enables a person to improve their relationships and the way they relate to other people. It can help you understand a different perspective and why people do what they do. Practicing empathy can allow healthier relationships to enter your life, decrease stress in the workplace, and make you a happier person. 

According to Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D., and Henry R. Kravis, there are three different types of empathy: cognitive empathy, personal distress and empathic concern. Cognitive empathy is understanding another person’s perspective and putting yourself in another’s shoes. Personal distress is literally feeling another person’s pain or emotional state. Empathic concern is recognizing and feeling in tune with another’s feelings and knowing how to appropriately respond or help. 

Contemporary research at the Greater Good Science Center at University of California, Berkeley finds that being empathic increases one’s desire to help others in need, reduces prejudice and racism, deepens intimacy, helps resolve conflict and decreases bullying. Empathic bosses and managers report having employees that are sick less often and have greater happiness with their jobs. Empathy is also important for healthcare. Doctors that have a high level of empathy improve patient satisfaction and improve their own emotional health. Empathetic police officers increase their confidence in dealing with crisis and feel less distant from the people they are handling. 

According to Psychology Today, neuroscientists have fostered the concept of “mirror neurons,” which are believed to enhance one’s capacity to read and mimic emotional signals through understanding facial expressions and other forms of body language. These mirror neurons may help individuals share emotional experiences and become more empathic toward others. Listening is the most important way to develop a higher level of empathy— listening intently and allowing the other person to finish what they need to say before constructing a response. If you are having a disagreement with someone, put yourself in their shoes and see if their argument is valid from the perspective they are coming from. Make sure you are not overlooking positive intentions from the person. Reading fictional books can help you understand the mental state of others. Science Journal found that people who read literary fiction temporarily enhance “theory of mind.” Dr. Joseph Mercola suggests practicing the “watch and wonder” technique where you imagine what a stranger’s life is like. Is this stranger feeling happy? Frustrated? Are they having a bad day? Do they have a stressful job? What is their family like? Empathy comes to some people easier than others, but practice can make you better at it. Why not adopt a practice that is proven to decrease stress and improve your quality of life? 


How to Practice Empathy

During ski season, it’s easy to break out of a normal exercise routine and adopt skiing as your only workout. While skiing is great exercise, it’s also a sport that is tough on the body and can create posture imbalances. I learned this the hard way, enduring a knee injury a few years ago, but because of the injury, I learned how to be stronger and healthier. Through my road to recovery I adopted an exercise routine that would help me become a better, more confident skier post-injury. Here are some tips on how to avoid injuries this season. In general, 80 percent of Americans will experience low back pain at some time in their life. Chronic low back pain is usually a biomechanical issue. Having a strong core is vital to avoiding back pain and other injuries. Exercises that are easy and help to strengthen your abdominals are plank variations, heel slides, bird dogs, hamstring and psoas stretches. To start a plank, come down onto your forearms and pull your belly button up towards your spine—this is the most important part. Then engage your legs and squeeze your buttocks. Hold this position for one minute, rest, then repeat. If you already are experiencing low back pain, I recommend that patients do not hold a plank for more than eight seconds. After eight seconds drop to your knees and continue to pull your belly button towards your spine. And repeat up to six rounds of an eight second plank, resting your knees for eight seconds. Always remember to draw your belly button into your spine, this helps stabilize your core and develop the deep transverse abdominis muscle group. To start heel slides, lay on your back on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, toes pointing straight ahead and arms by your sides. Draw your belly button in towards your spine and hold this position throughout the exercise. Slide one foot away from you extending your knee and hip. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite leg. Do 10 repetitions. The bird dog exercise is great practice in balance and core strength. Start in a tabletop position with your hands underneath your shoulders, and your legs strong, with your belly button pulled towards your spine, extend your right arm forward as you lift your left foot off the ground. Return to either a tabletop or plank position—for a more advanced move—and then extend your left arm forward and lift your right foot up. Return to plank. Continue to alternate back and forth for one minute. Rest, and then repeat. The psoas muscle helps to flex your hips and move your body forward in motion. It’s a difficult muscle to stretch and is abused a lot while skiing. We ski down the mountain in the matter of minutes and then sit on the chair lift allowing our muscles to get cold and stiffen. The psoas muscle becomes tight from sitting for prolonged periods of time, so it’s important to stretch and strengthen. Symptoms of tight hip flexors include low back pain, stiffness and poor posture. A runner’s stretch is one of my favorites for loosening the psoas muscle. Start on your hands and knees, and lunge forward with your right leg so your right foot and left knee are contacting the ground. Being sure to keep your back straight and pelvis tucked, lunge forward until you feel a stretch in your left hip. Hold this stretch for 15 seconds, and then repeat three times. Repeat on the other leg. For an even deeper stretch, I recommend reaching one arm above your head and bend into the leg that is lunging forward. Finally, stretching the hamstrings is vital to having a strong and healthy lower back. When the hamstring muscles are tight, they pull the pelvis posterior and back, causing pain. Performing a hamstring stretch with a towel or a belt is great way to start. Lie on the floor on your back. Loop a long bath towel or belt around your toes and hold the ends of the towel or belt in both hands. Slowly pull on the towel or belt to lift your straight leg up. Be sure to keep your knee straight. Bring your leg up until a stretch is felt behind your thigh. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, and then relax. Repeat three to five times on each leg. It’s important to remember when performing these exercises and stretches to not feel an abnormal amount of discomfort. If anything causes pain, don’t do it. Along with these exercises and stretches I highly recommend yoga and Pilates. A Pilates reformer class is a great way to get an excellent workout while also strengthening the low back and core. Other added benefits include increased coordination, balance, flexibility and overall better posture. Along with yoga, Pilates would be a great activity to add into your exercise routine during the ski season. 


Keep Your Body Healthy Through Ski Season: Part I

I hear a frequent phrase that causes me cringe around town: “Welcome to the ACL club!” This is one club that nobody is excited to become a member of. Keeping your knees healthy is vital to having a great ski season and being able to continue to ski pain free with age. Having had a knee injury myself, I have learned a lot about keeping the knees strong throughout the season. 

The knee is a complex hinge joint. It’s the largest joint in the body and is meant to be strong and stable. However, if there is decreased or increased mobility, or range of motion, at the hip or ankle it can ultimately make the knee unstable. Here are a few exercises to help keep your knees strong and healthy during the season: 

Unavoidably, there are always those dreaded weeks of cramming our feet in ski boots at the beginning of the season. Rolling your foot on a lacrosse or tennis ball is a quick, therapeutic exercise, and is also great for relieving symptoms of plantar fasciitis. Place a tennis or lacrosse ball on the floor near your feet and put your foot on top of the ball and roll it around, massaging the bottom of your foot. Increase or decrease pressure as needed. There will be points of pain, but try to continue to work until the pain dissipates and do this daily. 

Another regimen I recommend is toe curls. This exercise strengthens the muscles at the top of the feet and toes. In a seated position, lay a kitchen or hand towel on the floor in front of you. Put the toes of one foot on the end of the towel and scrunch your toes so you pull the towel toward you. Repeat this several times with each foot. 

Lunges are an excellent exercise to keep the knees and quadriceps strong. Doing a lunge in different planes of motion helps with increasing the range of motion in the ankles and building up strength in order to stay strong when doing tram laps. “Around the clock” lunges are a functional exercise that is geared toward skiers. 

Picture standing in the middle of a clock with the numbers one through 12 around the outside. Face forward so your front body points toward 12 o’clock; face 12 for the duration of the exercise to ensure you’re moving in a lateral plane of motion. Each time push back to the start position. The goal is to hit every clock number. Start with your right foot, use your left leg as a stabilizer, and lunge forward to 12, then forward and slightly right to one, all the way until you step back to 6. Switch feet and finish the other part of the clock with your left foot


Keep Your Body Healthy Through Ski Season: Part 2

Many patients ask me “When can my child start coming to the chiropractor to receive an adjustment?” Most parents look shocked when I tell them “As soon as they come out of the birth canal!” Chiropractic can be extremely beneficial for the physical, mental and emotional development of your child and here is why. Birth is the first traumatic event for a child. Birth is tough on an infant. Think about all the different ways a baby is moved, torqued and pulled during the birthing process. Chiropractic adjustments at this stage of life are gentle and are comparable to the pressure used to check the ripeness of a tomato. When an infant’s nervous system is communicating correctly, everything works better, including bodily functions such as sleeping, eating and pooping.

Chiropractic helps children stay healthy. 
Chiropractic adjustments help with general wellness and proper immune function. Regular adjustments are shown to prevent the severity of colds and flus. Research from the Journal of Chiropractic & Osteopathy demonstrates that immunoglobulins increase post adjustment. This increase in immunoglobulins shows a beneficial relationship between the body’s immune response and spinal adjustments. 

Chiropractic helps with proper posture.
In our day and age with an increase in technology use, more and more children are developing “tech neck.” Due to kids chronically looking down, I’m seeing poor posture starting to develop at a very early age. Adjustments help to increase range of motion, joint health and mobility. Your children may feel taller, straighter, relaxed and more comfortable after an adjustment. 

Chiropractic prevents ear infections. 
In a 1996 study by the Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, children under the age of 5 received chiropractic adjustments to treat the symptoms of ear infections. Ninety-three percent of all cases improved in 10 days or less; 43 percent improved within two treatments or less. 

Chiropractic helps with colic. 
Research in the Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics showed that infants with colic receiving manual therapy had a reduction in their crying due to colic. This was a significant improvement compared to the control group. 

Chiropractic benefits emotional health and stress. 
Chiropractic care helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and can help manage stress. Neuro-emotional technique is a chiropractic brain-body technique that helps to diagnosis a stress a patient is feeling and re-program the subconscious brain. Patients have stated they feel relief, easily create more fulfilling relationships and increase their ability to achieve their hopes and dreams. 

Chiropractic supports athletes and active kids. 
Chiropractic helps to increase range of motion and joint proprioception. It also helps to treat sports injuries in order to heal faster and stronger. There are currently chiropractors for every NFL team, and athletes such as Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice and Venus Williams thank chiropractic for the longevity of their careers. In a world with increasing amounts of stress, why not make life for you and your kids easier by getting adjusted?


Keep Your Kids Well With Chiropractic